
Ever wanted another online resource & reference guide for all things 'ethical lifestyle'? Yet another place to glean rays of sugary hope and inspiration when climate change, financial crisis and our 'sick' societies all conspire to make your morning miserable? Well, here it is!

Remember you're a womble!
'Making good use of the things that we find and exploring paths towards a better world' is the tag line , and just like all good wombles, I hold resourcefulness, sustainability, creativity and a healthy, balanced, slow-paced life very dear indeed. Responsible living; creative recycling and crafts; sharing antidotes to stress and 'affluenza'; the general care and well-being of ourselves, others and our stunning planet earth... these are what really matter on this blog. Being proactive in small, quiet, every-day ways, too.

You might think of it as a portal to other sites and articles of interest; a springboard for discussion and action.  Hopefully there'll be practical ideas to inspire creative projects and more self-sufficient, holistic living, and there are sure to be a few odd ponderings and wannabe-revolutionary ideas thrown in for good measure (along with the inevitable plugging of crafty creations, of course). 

If you fancy popping by every now and then to see what's new or to share your ideas, please do!
The more the merrier.

the wombling hobo x


  1. Hi Sally, love the idea behind your blog. I'm not an eco warrior but I believe strongling in creative recycling. I often passs the rubblish bins and see empty containers which can be used as pots for my vegetables or bits of this or that which have been disgarded and can be reused as somthing else :) We call it wombling, just like the wombles of Wimbledon common all those years ago. My garden is gradually being turned over to things we can eat and I love growing my own "evras aromatica" and learning to preserve things in the "old" country ways. Life is a journey...
    I cannot leave my URL not sure if I can post or not
    Not sure what is wrong with it, but the bouncers at blogger will not let me in

  2. I'd like to subbscribe to your blog by email, how do I do this, please

  3. On my browser, a "subscribe by email" link is visible just below these comments, on the right. Can you not see it? I'm still not really all that clued up on the ins and outs of blogging, but I'll try and look into it for you, Carole. I'm also going to add you to my Blogroll - I think your blog's brilliant and such an inspiration! Thanks for posting :)
